Limerick Colleges Open Days - Ul, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick School of Art and Design and LIT open days are all on Friday October 20th. Sixth years interested in courses in any of these colleges, were advised to attend, if not with a parent, then with Ms. Walsh. The bus from school will leave at 8:15am sharp and will drop students at LIT, MIC, LSAD and finally UL. Students can avail of a free shuttle bus from the first three colleges mentioned to UL. Students who have put their name down to travel on the school bus can pay €10 to RECEPTION before Monday the 16th. of October. Each student must present written parental permission to Ms. Walsh before boarding the bus.
Sixth years students interested in Careers in the GARDAI, ARMY or APPRENTICESHIPS and wish to attend the OPTIONS WEST CAREERS FAIR in Galway, on Tuesday October 24th next were asked to give their names to Ms. Walsh. A bus has been organised to bring these students from school at 9:05am to this careers fair and back to school for 2pm classes. The bus and entry ticket costs €10 and can be paid toRECEPTION before Friday October 20th. Each student must present written parental permission to Ms. Walsh before boarding the bus.