Student wellbeing is one of our main priorities at Calasanctius College. We pride ourselves on the many student supports we have in place in our school. Our student support structure operates to scaffold our new 1st Yr students when they first arrive into Calasanctius, to support students as they journey through Junior Cycle, to guide students in their transition into Senior Cycle and finally to prepare students to assume their place in society; whatever path they eventually decide to follow. Allow us to introduce you to some of the people you will meet on your Calasanctius journey.
In-School Supports

Class Teachers: In secondary school you will have many different class teachers who you will meet regularly during the week. Our teachers work hard with our students to provide a positive teaching and learning experience in their subject areas.
Year Head: Each year group is assigned a Year Head who oversees the welfare of the year group on behalf of the school community. They act as intermediaries between Tutors and school management. Year Heads are a fundamental part of the structure which ensures caring for all students in the year group so that learning, at every level of the person, is supported.
TY Buddy: All 1st Yr students are assigned a Buddy from Transition Yr who acts as an in-school day-to-day support. Students and Buddys meet on a regular basis, thus maintaining a constant link between both for the duration of 1st Yr and beyond.
Guidance Counsellors: Calasanctius College operates both a Junior and Senior Guidance Department, who are there to listen and support our students and their families as best we can. This service operates a blended approach incorporating in-school and online pending the year group.
If a student or parent/guardian has a concern about the well-being of a student, they can email in confidence or contact one of the Guidance team.
Mr. Loftus -
Ms. Tobin -
School Leadership: The Principal and Deputy Principals at Calasanctius College work hard and are fully committed to providing a safe, caring, positive and inclusive learning environment that will promote the full and balanced development of all our students.
Other Important Supports in Calasanctius College...
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Department: Calasanctius College has a very busy and dedicated SEN Dept. that assists students reach their full potential. They provide many key services within the school such as individual student assessments, reasonable accommodations applications to the DES on student's behalf and allocation of resource and learning support to those most in need of extra support for their learning.
Student Care Team: There are two Student Care Teams in Calasanctius College - one for Junior students and one for Seniors. These teams meet on a regular basis to monitor, review and deal with any issues which may arise. They work in conjunction with key personnel within the school.
Student Council: Calasanctius College has an active and progressive Student Council, which we encourage all students to get involved in. It provides a platform where students can have an active say in key decisions in school life. The student council is a representative structure through which students at Calasanctius College can become involved in the affairs of the school; working in partnership with the school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.