Calasanctius College Oranmore

RSE Programme

The Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Programme in schools aims to provide opportunities for our young people to learn about relationships and sexuality in ways that help them think and act in a moral, caring and responsible way.

In post primary schools, the RSE Programme is part of the wider Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) Programme. At Junior Cycle, RSE is incorporated into the SPHE programme up to 3rd Yr. At Senior Cycle, RSE is integrated into the school curriculum and delivered to each year group as a standalone progamme on a modular basis over a rotational schedule.

We believe and respect that parents are the first teachers of their children, handing on values and attitudes to the next generation. However, RSE in schools is a mandatory programme and the Department of Education requires us to a have policy in relation to its teaching. They also believe that

"the qualified classroom teacher is the best placed professional to work sensitively and consistently with students and that s/he can have a powerful impact on influencing students’ attitudes, values and behaviour in all aspects of health education".

We deliver our school programme on an 'opt out' basis and encourage participation by all, but recognise and acknowledge parents' prerogative to exercise their right to withdraw their child at any time. It is school practice to touch base with parents/guardians prior to the commencement of the RSE modules in school, to allow opportunity where necessary, for any advance discussions you may wish to have with your child. If you would like to discuss this further with the RSE team, or inform us of your decision to opt out please contact the school office

What does the RSE Programme include?

Our RSE programme is based on modules set out by the Department of Education. Relationships and Sexuality Education takes place within the framework of Junior Cycle SPHE until the end of 3rd Yr and as outlined above, Senior Cycle RSE is integrated into the school curriculum. The formal provision of RSE means building on the primary school programme and providing young people with information and skills to critically evaluate the wide range of information, opinions, attitudes and values offered today, and so make positive and responsible choices about themselves and the way they may choose to live their lives. The various modules delivered focus on the following topics:

  • Human Growth & Development
  • Human Sexuality
  • Human Relationships

RSE Resources

RSE Policy

Junior Cycle SPHE Curriculum (RSE Integrated)

JC SPHE Information Leaflet for Parents

Senior Cycle SPHE Framework

SPHE & RSE Department Circular


Mar 11
5th Yr 2025/26 Subject Choice Information Evening
Mar 17
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
May 05
May Bank Holiday
Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland H91 K7H2
© 2025 Calasanctius College