At Calasanctius College, we believe that our school uniform symbolises a proud tradition and identity in our local community. As representatives of the school, students are expected to continue this tradition by wearing the full uniform correctly, and to take pride in their personal appearance. The wearing of a school uniform promotes a sense of community where every student feels that they are part of a team working towards success. It supports a spirit of cooperation and togetherness as it reminds students that they are part of something much bigger than themselves. Our school uniform helps to develop a standard of dress that is reliable for everyone and promotes equality among students. We believe the wearing of a uniform promotes responsibility and accountability in our students. It is our expectation that every student who wears the Calasanctius uniform conducts themselves in a manner that is befitting of our school and the values we espouse.
Last year we implemented a very succesfful change to our school PE tracksuit bottoms. This change will contineue to be introduced on a phased basis. The new bottoms are the compulsory PE uniform for all new incoming 1st Yrs and current 2nd Yrs ONLY. Current students have the choice of continuing with the green bottoms they already have OR they may opt to purchase the new grey bottoms. Henceforth, however, only the new (grey) tracksuit design may be purchased online from from O'Reillys - please click here.
This year, in conjunction with the Student Council we are implementing a change to the girls' uniform trousers. Following much research and investigation we have decided to replace our girl's pinstripe trousers with plain grey uniform trousers instead. The agreed and acceptable uniform trousers are available from our school uniform supplier; The Schoolwear Centre, Tuam Rd.
Our School Uniform

The school uniform for Calasanctius College is available in The National Schoolwear Centre, Tuam Road, Galway
The PE Tracksuit bottoms are available online from O'Reillys - please click here

- No item of school uniform (e.g., skirts, trousers) may be altered, unless given permission by the principal.
- Plain black footwear is compulsory for all students. Boots are strictly forbidden. Footwear must be all black and have no coloured logos/soles /laces etc.
- Please note that leggings may not be worn under the school skirt.
- Any t-shirts worn inside school shirts/polo shirts must be white and cannot be visible below the uniform jumper.
- Please check with the official suppliers for the correct colour and design of the boy’s uniform pants.
- No alternative/extraneous garments to be worn in addition/instead of stated uniform.
- Please refer to our Code of Behaviour for more information regarding uniform expectations and sanctions.